For children and young people in out-of-home care, there are various factors that can precipitate feelings of grief and loss. These include being forcibly removed from their families of origin and separated from siblings who are also in care; being shifted from one foster home to the next suddenly and without warning; being excluded from decisions that affect them and their wellbeing.
The webinar will focus on the impact going into care has on the emotional, physical, spiritual, and developmental life cycle of children and young people. Topics covered will include grief and loss; disenfranchised grief; ambiguous loss; chronic sorrow; non-finite loss and all the accumulated losses that children and young people encounter when they enter the system as a “foster child.”
By the end of this program, participants will be able to:
1.5 hours of CPD activity: Category 2, skills and knowledge
AASW Credential: Child protection; Family violence; Mental Health
Registrations close on 23 February at 9:00 am AEDT
Members: $75.00 (including GST)
New graduates, retired and student members: $45.00 (including GST)
Non-members: $120.00 (including GST)
Student non-members: $100.00 (including GST)
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