The Administrator’s Medals in Primary Health Care recognise excellence in people who have contributed significantly to the provision of primary health care in the Northern Territory.
Members of the public and those working in the health care industry are invited to nominate an individual, team, or whole of practice/health service who they feel deserves recognition for their contribution.
The Administrator’s Medals are presented to recipients by Her Honour the Honourable Vicki O’Halloran AO, Administrator of the Northern Territory, at an official awards ceremony in the Government House.
Supporting organisations
The awards are proudly supported by the following organisations:
- Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance NT (AMSANT)
- Health Providers Alliance Northern Territory (HPANT)
- Centre for Remote Health
CRANAplus - Northern Territory General Practice Education (NTGPE)
- Northern Territory Government Department of Health
- Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health (SARRAH)
- Northern Territory Primary Health Network (NT PHN).
Nominations are currently closed.
Frequently asked questions
In 2021, one medal will be awarded in each of the following three categories:
- Individual
- Team
- Whole of Practice / Health Service
Nominations are accepted for individuals, teams and whole of practices / health services who deserve recognition for their contribution to improving health outcomes for all Territorians through the delivery of primary health care.
“Primary health care is socially appropriate, universally accessible, scientifically sound first level care provided by health services and systems with a suitably trained workforce comprised of multi-disciplinary teams supported by integrated referral systems in a way that:
- gives priority to those most in need and addresses health inequalities
- maximises community and individual self-reliance, participation and control
- involves collaboration and partnership with other sectors to promote public health.
Comprehensive primary health care includes health promotion, illness prevention, treatment and care of the sick, community development, and advocacy and rehabilitation.”
Definition developed by the Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute (APHCRI) and cited in Primary Health Care Reform in Australia: Report to Support Australia’s First National Primary Health Care Strategy (September 2009).
Anyone can propose a nomination. This includes:
- Members of the general public
- Members of the health care industry
Please note:
- Whole of practice / health service nominees and teams may nominate themselves
- For the individual category, self-nominations will not be accepted.
To nominate someone for the Individual category, they must:
- be currently undertaking their role as a health professional in the Northern Territory;
- be nominated in relation to their contribution to primary health care.
To nominate someone for the Team category, they:
- must be a subset of a whole of practice/health service (includes general practice, pharmacy and allied health practices/health services);
- be a collective delivering a program or service to improve health outcomes through primary health care, working in the Northern Territory;
- may consist of clinical employees, non-clinical employees and/or a mix of both.
To be eligible for the Whole of Practice/Health Service category, they must:
- be a whole of practice/health service (includes general practice, pharmacy and allied health practices);
- be working in the Northern Territory in primary health care;
- consist of both clinical and non-clinical employees.
Eligibility to nominate is for health professionals registered with AHPRA or a Regulatory body, but broader nominations may be considered at the discretion of the panel.
Considerations would include team based or partnerships incorporating innovative approaches or significant benefit/s to individual or community health outcomes.
Nominee refers to either the individual, team or whole of practice/health service you are nominating.
Dot point responses to the questions are encouraged – maximum 150 word response per question.
- What makes the Nominee worthy of an Administrator's Medal in Primary Health Care?
- What does the Nominee do to make the health service they deliver culturally safe?
- How does the Nominee make it easy or comfortable for patients or clients to access and use the health service?
- How does the Nominee make sure patients or clients can get information and access to other services or support they may need?
- How does the Nominee support patients or clients to look after their own health?
- How does the Nominee involve the community in the health service's activities & decisions?
- Is there anything about the way the Nominee provides services that responds specifically to a particular need(s) in their community?
- How does the Nominee work to promote awareness of particular community needs?
All nominations must include:
- current contact details of the nominator;
- current contact details of the nominee (if known).
The nominee must be aware they are listed and may be contacted regarding the nomination. NT PHN may also request referee details.
The simplest way to submit a nomination is by using the online form.
Postal votes
Nominations can be typed or handwritten and posted to:
C/O Administrator’s Medals
GPO Box 2562
Darwin NT 0801
Phone Nominations
Nominations will be accepted over the phone and where possible two staff will take the nomination to verify the correct details are recorded and should address the questions on the nomination form.
Please contact us on 08 8982 1000 to arrange a time to complete a phone nomination.
The Administrator’s Medals in Primary Health Care are proudly sponsored by the following organisations. A selection panel of representatives from these supporting organisations will review the nominations, choose finalists and select the winners. The panel’s decision is final.
- Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance NT (AMSANT)
- Health Providers Alliance NT (HPANT)
- Centre for Remote Health
- CRANAplus
- Northern Territory General Practice Education (NTGPE)
- Northern Territory Government Department of Health
- Northern Territory Primary Health Network (NT PHN)
The awards night is scheduled to be held at Government House on Wednesday 1 September 2021.
Finalists will be invited to the awards ceremony:
- finalists in the Individual category will be invited to attend with one guest;
- finalists in the Team and Whole of Practice/Health Service categories will receive invitations for two representatives from their nominee list;
- reasonable travel and accommodation will be available for some finalists.