
What's commissioning?

Commissioning is the process of procuring and coordinating services. In our case, it’s health services.

How does it work?

We use commissioning to partner with health practices and providers to develop and implement primary health services across the NT.

This process allows us to direct resources in the best way possible to meet local health needs, particularly those at the highest risk of poor health outcomes.

What’s the process?

  • conduct a regional needs assessment to determine the health needs of an area
  • fund providers to design effective, efficient services to meet those health needs
  • empower communities and partners to co-design services and solutions
  • consider the most appropriate delivery method (e.g purchase, partner, or coordinate).

The commissioning cycle

This cycle encompasses this full range of activities, not simply the procurement of services.

How are funding decisions made?

Our Board doesn’t make the decisions as to which health services receive funding as part of the commissioning process. These decisions are governed by our Commissioning Policy and Commissioning Procedure, which are based on the requirements of the Australian Government.

Learn more about our policies.


Activity Work Plans

As part of our funding agreement with the Australian Government, we develop and deliver annual activity work plans, which describe the types of activities or services we commission.

Learn more about our Activity Work Plans.