Our role
An integral part of our role in suicide prevention is to work with communities across the Northern Territory who are at heightened risk of suicide and to support the implementation of culturally-based suicide prevention activities.
2023-28 Northern Territory Suicide Prevention Implementation Plan
Read ‘Keeping Everyone Safe‘, the 2023-28 Northern Territory Suicide Prevention Implementation Plan, designed in partnership between NT PHN, NT Health, Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory (AMSANT), and National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA).
Further programs
Treatment areas we fund include:
Suicide Prevention Program
The Suicide Prevention Program is dedicated to targeted suicide prevention activities and approaches for groups identified as having a heightened risk of suicide.
Regional Plan for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
This plan focuses on identifying ways the current system can better support people with their mental health, mental illness and prevent suicide by finding new ways to work together so that services are more coordinated.
National Suicide Prevention Trial
The focus of the national trial was to adopt a systems-based approach, in which a suite of evidence-based strategies work together to reduce suicide attempts and deaths.
Strengthening Our Spirits
The Strengthening Our Spirits model was designed by members of the Greater Darwin region’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community as part of Darwin’s National Suicide Prevention Trial.
The Way Back
This service supports people through the first three months following a suicide attempt filling a critical gap in our service system.