Become a hepatitis B s100 prescriber to manage and treat chronic hepatitis B in primary care settings.
Upon successful completion of this free training and the associated case assessment, eligible participants may apply to the relevant state departments of health for authority to prescribe Section 100 (s100) drugs for the management of hepatitis B in Australia.
Learning Outcomes
•Outline the critical role of primary care in the diagnosis, management and treatment of people living with chronic hepatitis B
•Plan long-term care, including guideline-based monitoring and hepatocellular carcinoma screening, for patients with chronic hepatitis B
•Select and prescribe first-line antiviral treatment when clinically indicated
•Identify situations where specialist advice or referral is required
•Integrate principles of person-centred and culturally competent care into hepatitis B management
A number of registration travel and accommodation scholarships have been provided by Northern Territory Department of Health for General Practitioners, Nurse Practitioners, and Nurses practicing in the Northern Territory.
Priority may be given to General Practitioners and Nurse Practitioners.
This education is a CPD Accredited Activity under the RACGP CPD Program: 40 points allocated.
This course and associated activities are accredited with ACRRM for 7 educational activity PDP units and 2 performance review PDP units in the 2020-2022 triennium.
This course and associated activities are accredited by the ACNP for professional development.
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