Professional Development
End of Life Law for Clinicians
End of Life Law for Clinicians
An online training course to support your clinical practice.
A range of initiatives and resources are available to enhance the skills and knowledge of all health professionals who provide care at the end of life.
The End of Life Law for Clinicians (ELLC) course aims to improve GPs’, nurses’ and other primary health professionals’ knowledge of the law to support their end of life practice.
The ELLC training program comprises 12 free online training modules on end of life law, and training workshops delivered nationally.
Topics include:
- The role of law in end of life care (Medical practitioners, Nurses, Allied and other health professionals)
- Capacity and consent to medical treatment
- Withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining medical
treatment - Advance Care Planning and Advance Care Directives
- Substitute decision-making for medical treatment
- Legal protection for providing pain and symptom relief
- Children and end of life decision-making
- Futile or non-beneficial treatment
- Emergency treatment for adults
- Managing conflict
- Voluntary assisted dying
- Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples and end of life law
End of Life Law Links
ELLC is complemented by End of Life Law in Australia, a website which provides information about end of life law in all Australian States and Territories.
Northern Territory specific information
The modules are accredited by the RACGP, ACCRM and ACEM & CICM, so CPD can be claimed from those colleges or clinicians can claim CPD through self-reporting to their own professional bodies. Certificates of completion are available.
Assessment info
The modules contain self-assessment quizzes to promote reflective learning. The quizzes are for self-assessment purposes and responses are not recorded.
Use the email address below to get the most up-to-date information on available courses in 2023.