Professional Development
Diagnosis and Treatment of PTSD in Emergency Service Workers – Online courses via Zoom (various dates: 17 March, 24 March, 15 June 2022)
Diagnosis and Treatment of PTSD in Emergency Service Workers – Online courses via Zoom (various dates: 17 March, 24 March, 15 June 2022)
GPs often play a central role in the provision of healthcare to communities in the immediate, acute phase of emergency situations, and on an
ongoing basis for the long-term recovery of individuals and their broader community. Emergency Service Workers are one of the high-risk groups
for trauma exposure and are more vulnerable to developing mental health problems. These mental health conditions have significant impact on their
employment, family/relationships, and wellbeing.
This workshop has been designed with a focus on GPs, to diagnose patients with acute stress disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and other
comorbidities. Evidence based guidelines will be used as the foundation to appropriately diagnose and identify treatment pathways including
recommended referrals, trauma focused psychological therapy and psychological first aid to help support their management of emergency service
workers. The training may also be relevant to other health professionals.
This training aims to increase participants’ skills and confidence to:
1. Understand the relationship between traumatic events and the development of mental health conditions
2. Identify evidence-based treatment and referral pathways for a patient impacted by trauma
3. Recommend evidence-based resources, including e-Mental Health, for family/kinship groups impacted by trauma
Topics Covered:
1. Understanding the context of Emergency Service Workers
2. Diagnosing PTSD
3. Your role
4. Self-care for practitioners
Learning Objectives:
1. Recognise responses to trauma in emergency service workers, their families and kinship groups
2. Identify validated screening and assessment tools for common mental health conditions related to trauma
3. Apply evidence-based treatment/management plan for a patient impacted by trauma
4. Identify a range of appropriate referral pathways and collaborative care options
5. Identify and use self-care strategies and resources to manage their own mental health and wellbeing
Accreditation: 6 CPD Activity points (RACGP) MH CPD activity (GPMHSC) 3 Performance Review PDP units (ACRRM)