Professional Development

CPD Dinner Forum in Alice Springs with Dr Geoff Thompson

CPD Dinner Forum in Alice Springs with Dr Geoff Thompson

The NT PHN invites clinicians with an interest in diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal injuries and disease, to a professional development dinner with sports & exercise physician, Dr Geoff Thompson.

Assessing and Managing Common Musculoskeletal Problems in Primary Clinical Practice: Part One – Knee and Shoulder Part One.


Dr Geoff Thompson is a very expe­ri­enced Sports and Exer­cise Physi­cian. His pro­fes­sion­al inter­ests are very broad, hav­ing treat­ed all sports for many years both in cov­er­age, treat­ment and pre­ven­tion. Pre­ven­tion pro­grams are one of his specialties in active peo­ple or those wish­ing to be active.

Geoff also specialises  in chronic illness prevention and treatment through the use of exercise as medicine and can advise on highly complex long term musculoskeletal and cardiovascular medical issues.

Geoff has been practising in the NT for 53 years, and visiting Alice Springs on a regular basis for 36 years. For the last 15 years he has been the Senior Sports Physician for Australian Paralympic Team.

Learning Objectives

Participants will enhance their knowledge of:

  • The Assessment and Management of Insomnia
  • The national resources available for best practice for managing sleep disorders

Health Pathways

Northern Territory HealthPathways offer clinicians clear guidance for assessing and managing particular symptoms or conditions during the point of care. Pathways include information for referrers and requests to services in the local health system.

For supplementary learnings to this event,  NT HealthPathways are pleased to share these(*non-localised) musculoskeletal pathways:

Contact the team today on for your logon.

*NB: Not all pathways on the HealthPathways site have been localised. Unlocalised pathways (highlighted with a banner) contain relevant clinical content, however, local services are defaulted to New Zealand.

(Product owner: Streamliners, Canterbury NZ )


CPD: 1 hour*

*As a general guide, one hour of active learning equates to one hour of CPD. It is the responsibility of the individual student to calculate how many hours of active learning have been completed. The hours of active learning estimated above should act as a guide to CPD hours.





21 Jun 2023


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Alice Springs
82 Barrett Dr, Alice Springs NT 0870

More Info


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