The CRANAplus Advanced Life Support (ALS) one day course is based on ANZCOR Guidelines and best practice principles for remote and isolated clinician (Nurses, Midwives, Paramedics, and Medical Officers) who may be required to provide ALS.
The course provides remote health clinicians/workforce with the skills required that contribute to a successful outcome after a cardiac arrest. Clinicians will learn the importance of early rhythm recognition, CPR, defibrillation and post-resuscitation care in the context of a remote and isolated setting.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, clinicians will be able to:
- Understand the important of early recognition of a deteriorating patient using the ABCDE approach.
- Deliver standardised adult CPR following the ALS algorithm.
- Manage a cardiac arrest specific to rural and isolated environments.
- Consider the relevant causes of a cardiopulmonary arrest in adults and treat reversible causes.
- Maintain high quality CPR with minimal interruptions.
- Promptly recognise and treat shockable and non-shockable rhythms.
- Understand the post resuscitation care required.
- Demonstrate accurate documentation and communicate a clear concise handover of findings and interventions using the ISBAR approach
- Understand the legal and ethical considerations around ALS
On completion learners will receive:
- A CRANAplus Advanced Life Support course certificate (Valid for 2 years)
- $670 for CranaPlus members
- $770 non members