Northern Territory Primary Health Network (NT PHN) is seeking an Expression of Interest (EOI) from suitably qualified and experienced speech pathologists to deliver services as part of the Outreach Health Services Program funded by NT PHN.
The service provider will be working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people at the local Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service in Tennant Creek. A locally based provider (Alice Springs or Tennant Creek) is preferred.
The service provision consists of 6 x 5-day visits per year (e.g. one week every second month) with a set daily rate.
Services to commence on or before October 2023.
The contract can be ongoing until 30 June 2024, with the potential to extend after this date.
All travel and accommodation will be arranged and funded separately by NT PHN.
The service provider must comply with NT PHN Reporting requirements, which must be completed within the NT PHN online reporting system after each visit.
Tender closes Wednesday 9 August 2023.
EOIs must be lodged via Tenderlink.
Email: procurement@ntphn.org.au
Phone: (08) 8982 1092
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