This plan focuses on identifying ways the current system can better support people with their mental health, mental illness and prevent suicide by finding new ways to work together so that services are more coordinated.
The plan will identify priority areas for system improvement and focus on ways to integrate activities so that data and evidence inform how services are established and targets the needs of our communities.
There are five priority areas to integrate mental health services better:
- early engagement with at-risk populations
- clear pathways for people with moderate mental illness
- greater support for people with severe and complex needs
- joined-up services for children and young people
- using technology for better outcomes.
To improve the mental health of our community, we must improve our mental health and suicide prevention system. This requires a partnership approach. Involvement from consumers, their families and carers, the community, service providers, hospital networks, not-for-profit organisations and the Australian and State Governments are key to ensuring we can create the right mental health system for our community.
The development of the plan will occur in two stages:
Northern Territory Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Foundation Plan 2021-2022
The Foundation Plan sets the groundwork for a more comprehensive and long-term plan to improve and better integrate mental health services across the NT. This plan outlines the vision and key priority areas to focus integration activities and describes our engagement approach to ensure service and system planning is collaborative with our regional communities.
This plan has now been completed, you can download the full plan below.
Joint Regional Plan 2023-2027
The Joint Regional Plan will comprehensively define key integration opportunities at a regional level and outline the process for future implementation.
This work has now commenced and will involve consultations with local health networks and stakeholders.
The development of the joint regional plan is being led by us in partnership with Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory (AMSANT), the Northern Territory Government Department of Health (NT Health), and the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA).
The plan
Download the full Foundation PlanÂ
Download the summary Foundation Plan