Professional Development

CRANAplus Advanced Remote Emergency Care & Advanced Life Support, Alice Springs

CRANAplus Advanced Remote Emergency Care & Advanced Life Support, Alice Springs

Join CRANAplus in Alice Springs for the Advanced Remote Emergency Care & Advanced Life Support 2-day course.

Workshop Content

The Advanced Remote Emer­gency Care + Advanced Life Sup­port (AREC + ALS) course is designed by remote health clin­i­cians for remote health clin­i­cians. The course is con­tex­tu­alised to remote and iso­lated prac­tice, and builds on the core prin­ci­ples of ear­ly recog­ni­tion, assess­ment, and man­age­ment of the crit­i­cal­ly unwell or injured patient using a sys­tem­at­ic pri­ma­ry and sec­ondary sur­vey approach. It includes resus­ci­ta­tion and sta­bil­i­sa­tion of the patient accord­ing to pri­or­i­ty, deter­min­ing if a patient’s needs exceed the facil­i­ty’s capa­bil­i­ties, arrang­ing appro­pri­ate defin­i­tive care and ensur­ing that opti­mum care is provided.

The course sup­ports clin­i­cians that work in resource lim­it­ed con­texts and/​or small teams to devel­op con­fi­dence and lead­er­ship qual­i­ties around crit­i­cal think­ing and mak­ing impor­tant clin­i­cal decisions.

CRANAplus encour­ages clin­i­cians to apply the knowl­edge and skills acquired learnt with­in the con­text of the poli­cies of the employ­ing health ser­vice and with­in each indi­vid­u­al’s own scope of practice.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Per­form a thor­ough, organ­ised approach to recog­ni­tion of clin­i­cal dete­ri­o­ra­tion and pri­ori­tise assess­ment and man­age­ment of the imme­di­ate and poten­tial­ly life-threat­en­ing emer­gency situation.
  • Utilise clin­i­cal judge­ment to inter­pret assess­ment and diag­nos­tic data to form a clin­i­cal impression.
  • Demon­strate a sound under­stand­ing of patho­phys­i­ol­o­gy under­pin­ning com­plex emer­gency sit­u­a­tions and utilise advanced clin­i­cal knowl­edge to devel­op a plan for sta­bil­i­sa­tion of the iden­ti­fied emergency.
  • Per­form Advanced Life Sup­port aligned with ANZ­COR guidelines.
  • Ini­ti­ate and main­tain col­lab­o­ra­tive rela­tion­ships with oth­er mem­bers of the health care team (on and off site) with con­fi­dence and to improve patient outcomes.

Who should attend?

Designed for remote Nurses and GPs, but open to any remote health care workers.


  • $1300 for members
  • $1,400 others


CRANAplus Frequently Asked Questions