The Australian Government is introducing a new voluntary patient registration model called MyMedicare to drive improvements in primary health care for all Australians and deliver new funding packages to primary care providers.
MyMedicare will strengthen the relationship between patients and their primary care teams by allowing patients to register with their regular general practice and select their preferred GP and providers within the practice.
Registration in MyMedicare is voluntary for patients, practices and providers.
Practices can now begin the MyMedicare registration process and link their providers to their practice before patient registration becomes available from 1 October 2023.
General practices that register will benefit by having access to:
NB: Patients who are not registered in MyMedicare will still be able to receive Chronic Disease Management items from their usual GP.
Patients will benefit from registering by:
General practices should register for MyMedicare before patient registration commences on 1 October 2023.
To register, you must:
If your practice is already registered and all participating providers are linked in the Organisation Register, you do not need to complete a second registration process.
Once these steps are complete, you do not need to do anything else until patient registration becomes available in October 2023.
For more information on registering your practice, visit the Services Australia Health Professional Education website. This website has a range of eLearning modules to guide you through the registration process.
For general practice enquiries and support please contact Practice Support via email at practicesupport@ntphn.org.au.
The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care’s MyMedicare webpage includes the following information:
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