Professional Development

Advanced Remote Emergency Care & Advanced Life Support in Alice Springs

Advanced Remote Emergency Care & Advanced Life Support in Alice Springs

Globally accepted, safe and reliable best practice method for immediate management of critically unwell/injured patients.

Designed specifically for Nurses and remote GPs, but open to a variety of remote health care professionals, the Advanced Remote Emer­gency Care + Advanced Life Sup­port (AREC + ALS) course aims to extend the competencies of the experienced Remote Health Practitioner to an advanced level. It has a focus on team leadership, critical thinking and communication in emergency situations.

Learning Outcomes

Through self-reflec­tion, course par­tic­i­pants will close­ly exam­ine and analyse expe­ri­ences to iden­ti­fy and address com­pe­tence and expe­ri­ence gaps in their knowl­edge, skills and confidence.

On com­ple­tion they will be able to:

  • Per­form a thor­ough, organ­ised approach to recog­ni­tion of clin­i­cal dete­ri­o­ra­tion and pri­ori­tise assess­ment and man­age­ment of the imme­di­ate and poten­tial­ly life-threat­en­ing emer­gency situation.
  • Utilise clin­i­cal judge­ment to inter­pret assess­ment and diag­nos­tic data to form a clin­i­cal impression.
  • Demon­strate a sound under­stand­ing of patho­phys­i­ol­o­gy under­pin­ning com­plex emer­gency sit­u­a­tions and utilise advanced clin­i­cal knowl­edge to devel­op a plan for sta­bil­i­sa­tion of the iden­ti­fied emergency.
  • Per­form Advanced Life Sup­port aligned with ANZ­COR guidelines.
  • Ini­ti­ate and main­tain col­lab­o­ra­tive rela­tion­ships with oth­er mem­bers of the health care team (on and off site) with con­fi­dence and to improve patient outcomes.


  • Suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion of Remote Emer­gency Care (REC) or equiv­a­lent emer­gency care course with­in the last 2 years
  • Cur­rent basic life sup­port (BLS) certificate
  • Recent and rel­e­vant acute emer­gency or crit­i­cal care clin­i­cal expe­ri­ence with­in the last 2 years and/​or rel­e­vant post­grad­u­ate qual­i­fi­ca­tions in emer­gency care or crit­i­cal care.


  • Online pre-work­shop modules that are cur­rent, evi­dence-based, and inter­ac­tive so that par­tic­i­pants come to work­shops already hav­ing prac­tised apply­ing ​must know’ con­tent to a range of emer­gency presentations.
  • An online assess­ment (com­plet­ed pre-course). Requir­ing 90% pass.
  • two-and-a-half-day face-to-face work­shop where par­tic­i­pants can ​put the­o­ry into prac­tice’ in hands-on skills sta­tions and clin­i­cal sce­nario prac­tice at an advanced clin­i­cal level.
  • prac­ti­cal sce­nario assess­ment based on recog­nis­ing clin­i­cal dete­ri­o­ra­tion, rapid assess­ment of the patient using the pri­ma­ry and sec­ondary sur­vey approach, resus­ci­ta­tion, and sta­bil­i­sa­tion of the patient accord­ing to priority.

Financial support to attend

CRANAplus Mem­bers receive a dis­count on face-to-face course reg­is­tra­tion and are eli­gi­ble to apply for var­i­ous CRANAplus pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment grants to meet the costs asso­ci­at­ed with course atten­dance. You can also find a list of grants and schol­ar­ships offered by exter­nal providers, such as the Health Work­force Schol­ar­ship Pro­gram, on our Path­way Incen­tives page.

This course will sell out fast so be quick.


Member: $1340

Non member: $1440


CPD hours are self-record­ed and self-report­ed if audit­ed. 1 hour = 1 CPD point.


Phone: (074047 6400


17 - 19 Mar 2025


8:00 am


Alice Springs

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