An interactive Virtual Roadshow bringing a tailored approach of Cardiovascular Risk Reduction from the Heart Foundation in collaboration with NT PHN. This interactive, live virtual workshop will bring together a specialist presentation followed by breakout groups and completed with live audience panel Q & A.
Assoc. Prof. Nadarajah Kangaharan completed his undergraduate medical degree and postgraduate cardiology training in Australia. He has been working as a Cardiologist at the Royal Darwin Hospital, Darwin Private Hospital, and NT cardiac since 2005. He has held the position of Medical Director – in the Division of Medicine at the Royal Darwin Hospital since 2009.  Â
Dr. Brooke Ah Shay is a GP who has spent the past three years working in Maningrida, the Northern Territory’s largest remote Aboriginal community, but has lived and worked all over Australia. Brooke has a keen interest in remote First Nations health and public health.Â
At the end of this session primary care health professionals will be able to:
Northern Territory HealthPathways offer clinicians clear guidance for assessing and managing symptoms or conditions during the point of care. Pathways include information for referrers and requests to services in the local health system.
For supplementary learnings to this event, Â NT HealthPathways are pleased to share these pathways:
Request your login from the HealthPathways Team.
This activity has been accredited by ACCRM and by the RACGP for 1.5 Educational Activity CPD hours (activity no. 416743).
Education provider: Scius Healthcare Solutions.
More Information?
For more information, please contact:
The Clinical Education Team
e: events@ntphn.org.au
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