Professional Development
Maternity Emergency Care (MEC) in Darwin
Maternity Emergency Care (MEC) in Darwin
Crana Plus Maternity Emergency Course in Darwin
Learn what to do if a pregnant woman presented at your clinic and no midwife was available.
Designed for Nurses, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioners, Paramedics and Medical Officers, the Maternity Emergency Care course enables the remote health workforce to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to provide emergency care for expectant mothers and their babies in a remote or isolated setting.
The CRANAplus MaterÂniÂty EmerÂgency Care course conÂsists of the folÂlowÂing components.
- Online pre-course mateÂriÂals and assessÂments that must be comÂpletÂed one week before the workshop
- AttenÂdance at a two-day face-to-face workÂshop conÂsistÂing of guidÂed disÂcusÂsions, pracÂtiÂcal skill staÂtions and conÂtext based scenarios
- Two indiÂvidÂual sceÂnario based clinÂiÂcal skills assessments
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- DemonÂstrate the prinÂciÂples of unplanned or emerÂgency manÂageÂment of a pregÂnant & labourÂing woman and care immeÂdiÂateÂly after childbirth.
- Assess and manÂage to the folÂlowÂing materÂnal and neonaÂtal complications:
- Pre-term labour
- BleedÂing in pregnancy
- DiaÂbetes
- HyperÂtenÂsion
- Pre-eclamÂpÂsia
- MaterÂnal trauÂma, deteÂriÂoÂraÂtion and resuscitation
- NeonaÂtal Resuscitation
- Post parÂtum haemorrhage
FamÂiÂly VioÂlence and PeriÂnaÂtal MenÂtal Health are also discussed.
Financial support to attend
CRANAplus MemÂbers receive a disÂcount on face-to-face course regÂisÂtraÂtion and are eliÂgiÂble to apply for varÂiÂous CRANAplus proÂfesÂsionÂal develÂopÂment grants to meet the costs assoÂciÂatÂed with course attenÂdance. You can also find a list of grants and scholÂarÂships offered by exterÂnal providers, such as the Health WorkÂforce ScholÂarÂship ProÂgram, on our PathÂway IncenÂtives page.
This course will sell out fast so be quick.
Member: $930
Non member: $1030
CPD hours are self-recordÂed and self-reportÂed if auditÂed. 1 hour = 1 CPD point.
Phone:Â (07)Â 4047Â 6400