Professional Development

Free Black Dog Institute GP Webinar: Diagnosis and Treatment of PTSD in Emergency Service Workers

Free Black Dog Institute GP Webinar: Diagnosis and Treatment of PTSD in Emergency Service Workers

Emergency Service Workers are one of the high-risk groups for trauma exposure and are more vulnerable to developing mental health problems.

These mental health conditions have significant impact on their employment, family/relationships, and wellbeing.

The Black Dog Institute’s Diagnosis and Treatment of PTSD in Emergency Service Workers webinar is designed with a focus on increasing GPs’ skills and confidence to:

  1. Understand the relationship between traumatic events and the development of mental health conditions
  2. Identify evidence-based treatment and referral pathways for a patient impacted by trauma.
  3. Recommend evident-based resources, including e-Mental Health, for family/kinship groups impacted by trauma.

Learning Objectives

By the completion of this program participants will be able to:

  • Recognise responses to trauma in emergency service workers, their families and kinship groups.
  • Identify validated screening and assessment tools for common mental health conditions related to trauma
  • Apply evidence-based treatment/management plan for a patient impacted by trauma
  • Identify a range of appropriate referral pathways and collaborative care options.
  • Identify and use self-care strategies and resources to manage their own mental health and wellbeing.


  • 6 CPD activity points (RACGP)
  • MH CPD activity (GPMHSC)
  • 3 Performance Review PDP points (ACCRM)




14 Jun 2023


5:30 pm - 8:30 pm



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