Professional Development
Alice Springs Workshop: Understanding & Responding to FASD
Alice Springs Workshop: Understanding & Responding to FASD
A one-day workshop for professionals to develop skills and strategies for supporting individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
Prue Walker is a clinical social worker and FASD specialist who has been presenting on FASD in the NT since 2009. Prue works with care teams to support children, young people and adults with FASD including those with complex challenges. Prue’s background includes managing remote child protection services and she brings her knowledge of current developments in FASD to the Territory context.
Topics Covered
- What is FASD? How does prenatal alcohol exposure affect the brain?
- Common features of FASD
- How to get a diagnosis.
- FASD Practice Principles for supporting children, young people and adults
- Developing care plans and interventions
- Therapies and NDIS funded supports
- Managing complexity in child protection and youth justice
- Case Studies – applying FASD practice to common scenarios
You may be eligible to claim CPD for this activity. Please check with your professional body.
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