Professional Development
2023 Neurodevelopmental & Behavioural Paediatric Society of Australasia (NBPSA) Annual Conference Darwin
2023 Neurodevelopmental & Behavioural Paediatric Society of Australasia (NBPSA) Annual Conference Darwin
The NBPSA conference provides opportunities to discover new ideas, develop professional skills, and network with colleagues old
and new.
Are you a rural generalist with an interest in paediatrics? Or a clinician delivering primary health care? This conference seeks to enhance clinical practice with a focus on interactive and case-based activities. NBPSA members of all levels of experience (trainee to senior clinician) and from all areas of practice (urban, regional, private) will benefit from the diverse program and social events.
Topic Highlights
- Use of standardised assessment tools for children from culturally diverse backgrounds
- Using traditional Māori parenting practices to support child development
- Developmental paediatrics in refugee populations: trauma, early intervention, cultural and ethnolinguistic barriers
- Embedding developmental paediatrics within Aboriginal Medical Services
- Navigating key changes to the NDIS Early Childhood Approach (formerly ECEI)
- Psychopharmacology applications for FASD
- Research and practice updates on developmental language disorder
- Science and practice of co-regulation in Autism Spectrum Disorder
- International practice models from Singapore and Canada
- Self-care for clinicians
Contact Agnes Zalan, Conference Manager.
Mob: 0418 147 831