Draft Northern Territory Plan for Mental Health and Wellbeing

Review and provide feedback on the Draft Northern Territory Plan for Mental Health and Wellbeing.

What is the Draft Northern Territory Plan for Mental Health and Wellbeing?

The Draft Northern Territory Plan for Mental Health and Wellbeing (The Draft Plan) will be used to improve the way mental health services are planned and delivered in the Northern Territory over the next 5 years.

This plan will be implemented by AMSANT, NT Health, NIAA and NT PHN in partnership with mental health service providers, people with lived experience, primary health care specialists and the Aboriginal Community Controlled sector.

The Draft Plan does not set out to resolve all the gaps within the NT mental health system. It aims to:

  • improve how the system works together
  • improve access to services
  • ensure a coordinated approach to allocation of resources.

The Draft Plan has been drafted and this is an opportunity to provide feedback.

How was The Draft Plan developed?

The Draft Plan builds on the Northern Territory Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Foundation Plan 2021-2022. Regional consultations since 2019 and validation of findings have all contributed to the priorities identified in the plan.

The Draft Plan has been developed by:

  • Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory (AMSANT)
  • Northern Territory Government (NT HEALTH)
  • National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA)
  • Northern Territory Primary Health Network (NT PHN).

What next?

The final plan will be officially launched after all feedback has been reviewed.

Review draft

There are 2 options for reviewing and providing feedback on the The Draft Plan.


Download The Draft Plan below and provide feedback to mhaodspstrategy@ntphn.org.au.

Written and/or verbal recorded feedback is welcome.


Review The Draft Plan through this survey.

The survey has the same ‘structure’ and information as The Draft Plan so you can review the priorities without reading the whole document.

The language used in the survey has also been made easier for everyday people to understand.

Feedback and survey closes at 5pm on Wednesday 22 November.